COVID-19 UPDATE (September 2024): We now offer both virtual and in-office appointments in a safe environment. To schedule an appointment contact us here or call the office @ 604 925-9798. Thanks, we look forward to seeing you soon!
About Dr. Joanna Day Procedures About Your Skin Our Facility Contact Us

Dr. Joanna Day
Dermatology & Laser Centre
Suite 103 - 2419 Bellevue Ave
West Vancouver, BC, V7V 4T4

Phone: 604-925-9798
Toll free: 1-866-933-7329


Rosacea is a medical condition suffered by many and may present as a single symptom or even a triad of concerns. Flushing inappropriately, the development over time of red facial veins (telangiectasias) leading to a rosy complexion or red face and/or periodic acne like outbreaks may all be hallmarks of this disorder.

Small facial capillaries and red facial skin may also be a result of chronic photodamage or may be a result of genetic influences. Many make incorrect assumptions based on the appearance of our skin. Dr Day as a medical dermatologist will provide an accurate diagnosis and plan appropriate management and treatment of your concerns at your consultation. Medical therapy may be advised or may be used as an adjunct to physical therapy which is fortunately now available to address this often distressing and sometimes embarrassing problem.

IPL photorejuvenation has provided long awaited technology for the treatment of facial redness and broken capillaries (telangiectasias) regardless of cause. Although the factors involved in flushing are not always possible to control we often can modify flushing with certain lifestyle choices.

IPL photo rejuvenation address the redness of skin by specifically targeting the abnormal extra tiny superficial capillaries that contribute to a red appearance. With reduction of these accessory small blood vessels reduction in facial redness occurs. Over a series of gentle treatments marked improvement becomes apparent and periodic maintenance treatments often provide lasting improvement indefinitely.

Combined therapy that can best be provided through the medical advice of a dermatologist along with the experience of an aesthetic dermatologist is what you can expect after your consultation with Dr Joanna Day. Have at look at our patients' great experiences.
