COVID-19 UPDATE (September 2024): We now offer both virtual and in-office appointments in a safe environment. To schedule an appointment contact us here or call the office @ 604 925-9798. Thanks, we look forward to seeing you soon!
About Dr. Joanna Day Procedures About Your Skin Our Facility Contact Us

Dr. Joanna Day
Dermatology & Laser Centre
Suite 103 - 2419 Bellevue Ave
West Vancouver, BC, V7V 4T4

Phone: 604-925-9798
Toll free: 1-866-933-7329


There is overwhelming confusion with the recent media flooding of words like "Botox", "Non-Surgical Facelift", etc. We have prepared these pages to help your dispell any myths about skin care, and to discover the innovative treatments and procedures Dr. Joanna Day performs in our professional facilty. If you have any further questions, please contact us, we are always glad to help.
  • Forehead Lines - These lines occur as a result of normal, repeated facial expressions. More expressive individuals tend to have more prominent lines. Eventually deeper furrows may develop. Dr. Day recommends Botox and occasionally a filler to reduce, remove or prevent forehead lines. Dr. Day's experience leads to superior, natural results.
  • Frown Lines - Persistent frown lines develop due to the action of muscles between the brow. Frowning occurs not only in anger but sometimes while concentrating, squinting, thinking or sleeping! A persistent furrow may develop conveying to others the appearance of anger or negativity. Dr. Day is a specialist in the administration of Botox which can reduce, soften, eliminate or prevent these frown lines.
  • General Wrinkles - Dr Day has perfected the art of wrinkle reduction using a variety of treatments including laser skin resurfacing, injectable fillers (such as Restylane to Thermage) and Botox. As a medical dermatologist Dr Day's increased knowledge of the skin combined with extensive experience leads to superior results. Dr Day will discuss your best options.
  • Lip Enhancement - Lip enhacement ranges from the famous Hollywood lip augmentation to more subtle enhancement or rejuvenation. The painless treatment is accomplished using a natural type of long-lasting non-permanent filler (Restylane). This reduces wrinkles and provides more youthful contours. Dr. Day is widely recognized as an expert, has treated the famous and will tailor a treatment to suit your needs.
  • Perioral Lip Wrinkles - The perioral area (around the mouth) is often a tell-tale sign of aging and is unfairly susceptible to wrinkles as we age. Smoking, lip-pursing, sun damage and hereditary factors contribute. Dr Day specializes in treatment of this region offering laser skin resurfacing as the gold standard which provides lasting results following a single office procedure. Injectable fillers provide temporary solutions.
  • Face & Neck Jowls - Imagine a facelift with no surgery or down-time, a "non surgical face-lift". The tightening provided by Dr. Joanna Day's non-invasive ThermaLift treatment is an alternative to more invasive surgery in suitable individuals. A consultation by Dr Day, a dermatologist with extensive ThermaLift experience, will determine whether you are a suitable candidate.
  • Acne - Acne is a common skin disorder ranging from a cosmetic nuisance to a scarring disease and affects individuals from teens to adults. As a dermatologist Dr. Joanna Day has been successfully treating acne for over 20 years. Our patients will tell you that our latest Blu-U photodynamic treatments are making stubborn acne a problem of the past. Our therapy provides a drug-free, safe and effective option for all ages. It is never too late or too early to treat acne.
  • Acne Scars - Scars on the face are common especially for those who have had cystic acne. Depending on your skin's requirements Dr Joanna Day treats facial scars using injectable fillers. In some cases laser skin resurfacing or ThermaLift may be suggested. The before and after photos demonstrate examples of Dr. Day's ability to achieve significant improvement.
  • Crows Feet - Crows feet are creases, lines or wrinkles that appear around the outside corners of the eyes and occur as a result of expression, squinting or smiling. They tend to become deeper and more dominant as we age. Dr. Joanna Day administers Botox for the effective reduction, removal or prevention of crows feet. Experience tells us that not all Botox treatments are equal - Dr Day's philosophy of "less is more" provides a natural, refreshed appearance.
  • Deep Smile Folds - Your smiling may have resulted in deep smile folds (nasolabial folds) or perhaps your facial structure (genetics) is such that you have more prominent folds than you would like. Dr. Joanna Day is often asked to reduce or "soften" these folds. Dr. Day employs the use of fillers (Restylane) in order to a accomplish natural looking results in a quick and painless procedure.
  • Brow - The skin just above the eyes may "sag" as we age resulting in lower placement of the eyebrows (brow) creating a tired look. Dr. Joanna Day performs non-surgical brow lifts using Botox and/or ThermaLift. The results offer remarkable improvement providing a fresher, more rested appearance. Techniques are painless, non-invasive and without "down-time". Explore our before and after photos and discover Dr. Day's experience and precision for yourself.
  • Unwanted Hair - Many women suffer from dark or brown, coarse unwanted facial hair. Dr. Joanna Day offers a permanent hair reduction procedure using the LightSheer laser. You are treated in the privacy of our medical laser centre. Dr. Day will ensure that your procedure benefits you in the most safe and effective manner possible. We also offer hair removal treatments of other regions such as the bikini area, legs, arms, abdomen and chest.
  • Downturned Mouth - Often accompanied by marionette folds, a downturned mouth occurs at the corners of the mouth (oral commissures). Whether the causes are genetics or aging, Dr. Joanna Day is able to subtly and skillfully correct a downturned mouth by carefully targeting specific areas with a filler. The results provide a natural, more youthful, happier and less tired look.
  • Marionette Folds - Marionette folds are the downward folds originating from the corner of the mouth (puppet folds, Charlie Chaplin lines) and often appear in tandem with a downturned mouth (oral commisure) and deepening smile lines (nasolabial folds). Dr. Joanna Day is very experienced in the treatment of these folds and uses an injectable filler to provide pleasing, natural results thus reversing the sadness or drawn appearance these folds tend to convey.
  • Preskin Cancer - There is no replacement for the medical expertise of a dermatologist with Dr. Joanna Day's experience in assessing your skin. Dr. Day can diagnose and treat "pre skin cancers" and "sun spots" and can examine your skin for the signs of skin cancer. Suspect lesions will be treated, excised or biopsied for medical testing. Dr. Day uses modern medical techniques. Newer treatments and preventative therapies (PDT) may be offered.
  • Photodamaged Skin - Photodamage occurs from exposure over time to the damaging effects of the sun and leads to the development of irregular pigmentation, sun-spots, brown freckles, broken blood vessels (red marks), scaly patches, thinned and fragile skin and wrinkles (photoaging). Dr Joanna Day's knowledge, expertise and experience as a medical and aesthetic dermatologist will provide diagnosis, treatment and repair of your skin.
  • Pores Tone Texture - Our skin grows older with us. With reduction of collagen and "thinning" of the skin pores seem to enlarge, texture coarsens and tone or radiance diminishes. Dr. Joanna Day can rejuvenate your skin using focused light technologies such as IPL photorejuvenation and PDT therapy to restore your skin to a more youthful state. Results are dramatic!
  • Veins & Rosacea - Facial veins, flushing, persistent redness of the face and rosacea can be troublesome. As a dermatologist, Dr. Joanna Day has over 20 years of experience with both the medical and cosmetic aspects of these conditions and appreciates the distress experienced by many. Dr Day can tailor treatment to suit your needs whether it be medical, procedural or both.
  • Pigmentation - Many people suffer from irregular pigmentation (melasma, chloasma or mask of pregnancy) of various causes. Treatment options are several. Following skin assessment by Dr Day medical therapy and physical treatments such as IPL Photorejuvenation, MicroLaserPeel and PDT (Photodynamic Therapy) may be recommended to provide healthier, rejuvenated skin.